Real Vision TV Expert View: Risks & Reward in a Tri Polar World

Are populism, central banking, and high tech fragmenting the world? Jay Pelosky, CIO & Co-Founder of TPW Investment Management (TPWIM)  lays out his thesis of a world splintering into three divergent regions — The Americas, Europe, and Asia. Pelosky also unpacks what he believes to be the critical implications for investors including the 3Ts: Trade, Tech and Turbans (sanctions).

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As The (Tri Polar) World Turns - September 2018

Three macro issues stand out as we exit Summer (here in the US) and prepare for Fall. As befitting the Tri Polar World, each region: The Americas, Europe, and Asia has one issue.

The first and arguably the most important is Fed chair Powell’s Jackson Hole speech where he noted that he saw no signs of inflation overheating…

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3 Keys to the 2nd Half Game Plan

The 2nd half of the year is likely to remain challenging. From a secular point of view, trade and tech tensions reinforce our Tri Polar World (TPW) thesis of regional integration. Tactically, the Fed is in motion, oil prices are at multi year highs and the Three Ts (Trump, Trade & Tariffs) continue to generate that which markets hate most: uncertainty. Amidst the noise, three main questions stand out.

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RealVision TV Trade Ideas: Will Small Caps Outperform

We are very excited to share this recent RealVision interview with Jay Pelosky, TPWIM’s CIO. Jay outlines why small caps have been core holdings in our flagship Global Macro Multi Asset (GMMA) portfolio, explaining how small caps globally (Europe & Japan) and US Small Caps in particular (IJR) provide both offense and defense in a 3T world (Trump, Trade & Tariffs).

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Tri Polar World Framework

Very excited to share this recent Real Vision interview clip examining how the Tri Polar World (TPW) thesis can be used throughout the global investment process from asset allocation to regional weightings, country selection, sector determination and stock level opportunity.

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