Webinar: Coronavirus & Investing; Long Term Thinking in Extreme Markets
Speakers: Jay Pelosky, CIO, TPW Investment Management & HANetf, Kevin Carter, Founder & CIO of EMQQ Index
The coronavirus spread has been relentless and has now gone global impacting every corner of the world’s economy, causing extreme market volatility and large sell-offs, leaving many investors feeling disorientated. As the markets grapple with the fallout, we’ll discuss the opportunities being created by the new quarantine economy and identify where investors should best position themselves to benefit over the long term.
In this webinar, we discuss the following:
TPWIM: As the Tri Polar World Turns - Utilizing our Global Risk Nexus to assess: Health, Economics, Politics, Policy & Markets Across Asia, Europe & the Americas
TPWIM: Declaration Of War: Policy makers, economists and investors come to grips with an unprecedented environment. From Reflation 2020 to pandemic, oil shock, sudden stop economics & financial market deleveraging
TPWIM: Outlook: Markets are forward looking, learning mechanisms - implications for Q2 and beyond
EMQQ: How the pandemic has created a catalyst for Ecommerce adoption and accelerated economies towards a more mobile and digital environment
EMQQ: A lost decade: Why Emerging Markets are down over the past 10 years and how the traditional approaches to Emerging Market are broken
EMQQ: Emerging Market internet giants help to control the transmission of coronavirus. Examples of how this tech is being currently being deployed (AI, mobile apps, driverless delivery solutions, free cloud services for remote workers)
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